Saturday 30 January 2010

Winter Blues


I'm pretty sick of winter now. Although I must admit it looks kind of beautiful in pictures. I did have quite a thrifting adventure this week, but more on that later.

I was reading 40 pages of Anna Karenina in a book store this week. Now I'm eager to know how the story goes on. I guess I should have bought the book then...

Sunday 24 January 2010

Pattern Mixing

There was no chance to take an outfit pic today, as I didn't even leave the house due to that awful weather we're having at the moment. So I thought instead of dressing myself I could as well waste some time on the H&M website dressing up virtual models. I had this idea for spring about mixing different floral patterns for some time now. I would like to combine this cardigan with this skirt, but I'm not entirely sure if it works: What do you think? And also, which skirt would be better? I guess, one would have to go to the store and see how the colours actally look like.



12 New Dresses

I will be adding 12 new dresses to Ebay tonight, well, one of them is a jumpsuit disguised as a dress actually.You can check them out here. While looking at them I really get the feeling I might have to buy a new camera. It snowrained all day, and I couldn't get enough light to bring out the colours of the dresses. That is why they appear rather dull. I also don't like to use the flash, because that makes it even worse.



Wednesday 20 January 2010

Dark Passage


Last night I was watching Dark Passage. I really enjoyed the sinister atmosphere of late 1940's San Francisco. And also the clothes. Too bad, they don't play these old movies that much on TV anymore. Before, there has been at least one within a week. I would watch more TV if they did. I was feeling quite under the weather lately and what's better to cure a cold than sitting on the couch, drink endless amounts of tea and watch an old movie?


all pictures via google picture search

Sunday 10 January 2010



The snowstorm did not end up quite as extreme as expected, but everything was covered with snow when I woke up this morning. I wanted to go thrifting, but the thrift store was closed, so eventually I ended up breaking my new years resolution shopping at H&M, but it was on sale at least! I didn't manage to take any pictures of this winter wonderland we're living in at the moment, but I found these beautiful pictures on Vogue Girl Korea, channelling this winter atmosphere quite beautifully. They sort of make me want to wear (fake) fur and white tights and go ice-skating.




all pictures via Vogue Girl Korea

Thursday 7 January 2010

Spring Inspiration: H&M Garden Collection



all pictures via H&M

Right after I decided to not buy anything from H&M anymore (this was one of my new years resolutions) I came across H&M's garden collection somewhere on the internet. And after a long time when I didn't like their stuff too much (their last catalog I got in the mail was stuffed with 80ish jersey shirts and leggings that were screaming aerobic to me) I have the feeling that this collection is really my cup of tea. I am loving the florals and pastels and blue and cream, things I'm really fond of recently. Apparentely these clothes will be made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, organic linen and recycled polyester from PET-bottles. I always thought that most of the polyester was made from recycled plastic already, but maybe I was wrong. It seems to be a good thing. Anyway, these make me wish for spring even more and that is with these damn snowstorms coming our way tonight.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Sneek Peak

All these items are going to be listed on Ebay Germany tomorrow. I am extra excited about the Leonard dress, I would have never thought I'd ever find one:


1. 1960's mod brocade dress
2. Vintage 1970's rayon maxidress
3. Karl Lagerfeld for H&M silk dress
4. Vintage 1970's Leonard de Paris dress

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Elsa Schiaparelli's Trompe l'oeil Sweater


picture via Schoolhouse press

I've been coveting this Elsa Schiaparelli bow sweater ever since I got this book about vintage fashion for Christmas. I was thinking about maybe I could, or better someone else could, knit this sweater after the picture of it. Learning to knit was on my new years resolution list, but maybe a sweater would be too ambitious for someone who has never knit something before. For those of you who are however a bit more experienced, I found the knitting instructions for the sweater: Schoolhouse press has the instructions downloadable as pdf files on their site for free.

For those who can't knit, like myself, I found the sweetest replacements on Etsy:


Top left to right: decades, FrockStars, thebackwardglance, revivalfinds

I absolutely adore the one on the top right, which is also the most similar to Elsa Schiaparellis'.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Vintage Living

On New Year's Day we went to the museum of technology and work. I was fascinated by a copy of a typical middle class house and its' interiors from around 1900. I always love to see things like this and wanted to share with you some of the pictures I took. I love all the tiny little details lying around there. Like the birdcage or the hot water bottle in the bed.





Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year


I'm not the type to make too many New Years resolutions, as I tend to give up on them in February already, but still there's always something I'm determined to do (better) in the upcoming year. So here a few New Years resolutions of mine:

  • avoid buying retail or new clothes at all. I was trying to that last year as well, but then I was too tempted at the H&M Sales. So this time I am trying to buy only vintage and at thrift stores.
  • Do more wardrobe remix posts, which will challenge me to think more about an outfit, in the first place instead of just putting on a sweater and pants.
  • Update my blog more often.
  • Comment on other blogs.
  • Manage my closet. It's still too crowded with things I don't wear no more, or things that don't go with anything else I own.
  • Learn how to sew.
  • Learn how to knit.
  • Take a trip to Spain, to Paris or to Prague.
  • Finish university. This one is the most important one.

picture via myvintagevogue


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