While running errands we made a stop at the cemetery. There was this pretty tree in full bloom. I was fascinated by how much life it inheres with bees and bumble-bees and a small titmouse (?) flying around its' blossoms. I think it was a cherry tree, but I'm not good at telling the difference between fruit trees when they don't carry fruits.
Dress: H&M
Jacket: thrifted H&M jacket from the 90's
Tights: can't remember
Shoes: thrifted
Slip: thrifted

Aw such great pictures!
i think (don't quote me though!) that the pink ones are cherry blossom and the white ones are apple blossom. There's smaller, different shaped trees that blossom too called hawthorns. The pink ones on my blog are cherry blossom but i dont think the white ones are xx
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