Once again H&M have their holiday special offers this year. Although I find it kind of ridiculous to shop for Christmas presents in the middle of november I thought it was not so ridiculous to get something for me. So I bought myself this sequin skirt for 9.99€ and also the sequin dress for 19.99€:

And since I'm already quite into this, I couldn't keep myself from looking what they will have to offer during the next weeks, so this is, what I'll probably
end up with:
This black or grey lurex dress for 9.90€ on november 22:

This little cute fake fur jacket at the price of 14,90€ on november 29. Although I'm wondering about how it will look like in real life since it is so cheap:

And finally another lurex dress for 9.90€ at december 20:

all pictures courtesy of H&M